Sweet’s Photo Books

Hello family. I have been tasked with making photo books for Sweets Celebration of Life. 

If you have photos you would like to share of Sweets please email them to me at jim+SweetPhotoBook@projecta.com

You might have limits on how many photos you can send at a time. Please be mindful.

I am looking for any and all good quality, hi res photos of her. Alone or with family and friends.

Photos you took of her or with her that you want to be potentially shared at the celebration of life.

Some will be in a book, some will be in a slide show and some might not get used.

If you have any of her art on your walls, please get a good hi res shot straight on in good lighting – no flash (glare) and no shadows if possible.

Deadline: I’d like to get these by 11/5 please so that I have time to make books and get approval from those that need to approve before ordering. Goal is to get them delivered 1 week prior to event just in case. 

I will do my best to make a beautiful book but I need time.

If you already have a collection of hi res photos online somewhere just send me the link – I don’t need you to double up the effort. The key is High resolution.

I am also hoping there are photos of Sweets and Poppo during world travels and Sweets before children and Sweets with her friends as well as Sweets with Family.

Anyone have a physical photo album of photos of her? Let me know. Might need to scan those. You can use apps to take photos and if you want a couple considered for inclusion take photos and email me those and I’ll let you know if we need to scan.

Thanks everyone for your help.

I’ve been thinking a lot about all of you during all of this and I’m thankful to be part of your family. 

Love you all.



  1. Samra Matthews Westphal on October 25, 2022 at 4:49 am

    You are amazing to put this together. I have some pictures she painted of my kids and horses. Where do I send a photo to?
    Love you

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